Monday, 17 June 2013

New Beginnings

This is the initial stage of a painting I will be doing this week in my classes; I like to have a 'dummy' run if time permits me which serves two purposes; firstly, I have fun experimenting with my ideas by trialling them for myself, secondly, I am able to take the 'dummy' run to my classes for people to see what I have in mind.

I have used a large graphite pencil to to indicate where the trees and gate need to be; I have also used some masking fluid (I prefer Pebeo) to mask a few cow parsely plants and oil pastel to introduce a splash of pink and yellow into what will be a predominantly green painting.

Second stage - I have used Green gold and Undersea green (both Daniel Smith) to create the distant hill and hedges.  I used a large round sable to apply clean water to the top of the hill followed by green gold then undersea green into the green gold to create a soft, defused distance.  I then used a strong mix of undersea green to suggest foliage and grasses into the foreground varying the strength.  Finally, I spattered Opera rose (Windsor & Newton) and Translucent orange (Schminke) into the lower foreground to suggest wild flowers.  I'm now waiting for it to dry - cup of coffee time.